Is Remote Healing from the EES something for you?

Are you unable to come to our center due to distance or mobility?

Then you can also receive distance healing.

Feel the support and uplifting energy of the EESystem from the comfort of your own home.

These sessions are great for pets, family and friends who need extra support, as well as anyone who wants an extra boost of good energy.

This is less effective than live in the EEsystem, but it can still be very supportive.

How does remote sessions work?

You send us a photo of you, the person or animal it is for and their name.

We place these in the EES energy room for 5 days, 9 hours a week for a month (at night).

From the day the remote healing starts, you set an intention for what you want.

We will start every 1st Monday of the month.

Remote healing charges you with good energy!

Let us know when you would like to start remote healing.

Book remote healing
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